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自首 voluntary surrander / voluntary surrender
《侵犯人权法》Offences against the Person Act / …Against…
《禁止强迫劳动公约》Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour / …Concerning…
自由法学派 free—law school of law /free—law school (Freirechtslehre)
《统一商法典》Uniform Commercial Code / UCC
举证责任 burden of proof /onus probandi
主犯 principal offender / principal
补偿贸易 compensatory trade / compensation trade
租界 concession / settlement
大陆法系 continental law system / civil law system
准据法 applicable law , lex causae / proper law
法律行为 juristic act / act in the law , transaction
一事不再理non bis in idem /res adjudicata , res judicata
反诉 cross action / cross—claim , cross demand , cross—complaint, counter—claim
法人 legal person / artificial person, body corporate, corporate body, corporation, juristic person
法医学 medical jurisprudence / forensic medicine
基本建设法 building law / Capital Construction Act
职工参加企业管理 participation of workers to businesslike management / …of employees in business management
诉讼费用 expense in litigation / costs
法医学鉴定 medical—legal expertise / forensic—medical expertise
法医学物证检验 Forensic—medical examination of material evidence / …of physical…
同一认定 establishing identity / identification
执行措施 executive measure / execution…
包办婚姻 marriage upon arbitrary decision by a third party / arranged marriage
正当防卫legitimate defense / self—defense (defence)
有期徒刑 penal servitude for a fixed term / imprisonment
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